Manga Monday: Spy X Family (Series Review 1)

Title: Spy X Family (vol 1 to ?)
Author/Illustrator: Tatsuya Endo
Publisher, Copyright/Release Date: Viz, Inc, 2020-Ongoing
Price: $9.99
ISBN: 978-1-9747-2028-6 (vol 1)
Summary and Thoughts: Disclosure: The reason Spy X Family is getting a series review and I list volumes 1 to ? in the title is because I am actively reading this one on the Shonen Jump App. In the depths of the pandemic, I started this series and, well, I read up to a point because I needed to build a buffer so I didn’t have a wild cliffhanger for a few weeks. I think I’m up to what is considered Volume 4 in the series, but I’m not 100% sure.

Twilight is a talented spy. No one has caught him. His latest mission will be his hardest yet, because in order to get closer to his target, he will need a wife and a child who he can send to a prestigious academy. He has to make them appear out of thin air and act like they’ve been around for a while.

Enter Anya, a child consistently overlooked at the orphanage. Twilight takes her because she has no history. The issue is, she has a secret no one knows: she’s telepathic and she’s super excited to be with a spy.

The Forger family is almost complete, but Twilight needs a wife and fast. Society rules are strange when it comes to taking on a wife, but he meets Yor, an unassuming woman who welcomes the opportunity for a variety of reasons. She has a secret no one knows: she’s a well-known assassin.

Wait, Anya knows. Anya learns pretty quickly her new, very awesome parents are a spy and an assassin and her life has just become the coolest ever, except her “dad” needs her to get into a prestigious academy. Oh no. She is going to do whatever it takes to keep her newfound family together, and she hopes, forever.

The Forger Family is a strange family but overall, they come together quickly and smoothly. Each story arc has the reader wondering, will their secrets be exposed? The action and adventure are strong and comedic timing is absolutely perfect (for example: Twilight proposes to Yor behind a car just as something explodes). The story seems set in an alternate timeline during the Cold War. This sets the story off in such a way that it feels similar to the real world, but also is escapist. When I discovered it, it was the perfect thing I need and I read all that I could.

Wait until they adopt a dog, who also has a secret that Anya knows. (Side note: the dog’s storyline does seem worrisome and there is a very sad moment as the dog tells their story to Anya, but there is a happy ending and no dogs die in the story.)

Overall, I highly recommend this series for action/adventure readers. It’s different. It’s wild. It keeps you guessing and has excellent comedic moments. I can’t wait to see how the story progresses and I do hope that in the end, The Forger Family stays together. The series is ongoing.
Recommended Audience: High school and up
Content Warnings: Mild violence; animal cruelty (but the story has a happy ending)
Source: Shonen Jump Online Subscription/App on my phone.

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