Review: Dear Justice League

Title: Dear Justice League
Author: Michael Northrop
Illustrator: Gustavo Duarte
Publisher:  DC Zoom (DC Comics)
Copyright:  2019
Price: $9.99
ISBN: 978-1401284138
Summary and Quick Thoughts: “Does Superman ever make mistakes?” (from the back cover) So begins this collection of questions posed to the Justice League. The Justice League is never too busy to answer emails from their biggest fans: kids! This book is just that. A question is posed to each hero and each hero thinks on the question and answers it in they’re own way (in Batman’s case, with paper and pencil). These questions range from simple observations to issues kids relate to. Under all these questions and tying everything together is a simple plot about an alien invader.

This book had me laughing out loud. Kids will relate to the questions and it is certainly nice to see that Superman screws up or that Wonder Woman was just like any other kid. Readers and libraries looking for family friendly, lighthearted fun, will find that in this title. The enemies are simple but it is more about the heroes and their questions.

The art style gives the title a modern, yet retro look to the story. The kids are adorable and there is diversity among the kids and the heroes so most readers should see themselves. Even bullies get to ask a question (although they do potentially learn a lesson about trying to outsmart a hero).

This title is a must have on library shelves, especially where superheroes are popular. It’s easy to read and can be enjoyed by all ages. Readers who love this title will be happy to see the sneak peak of Dear Super-Villians from the same team in Fall 2020. Get this for your library and keep an eye on the DC Zoom line.
Recommended Audience: All ages. I’d even give this to caregivers looking for titles for preschool readers/read-alouds.
Source: Library

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