Quick Pick: A Quick and Easy Guide to Consent

cover188155-mediumTitle: A Quick & Easy Guide to Consent
Author/Illustrator: Isabella Rotman and Luke Howard
Publisher, Copyright/Release Date: Oni Press/Limerence Press, October 27, 2020
Price: $7.99
ISBN: 978-1620107942
Summary and Thoughts: What exactly is consent? Did the characters that open our book want to do those things with their partner? Is it enough to use body language or is it better to be clear with words? Will speaking up ruin the mood?

Sargent Yes Means Yes from the Consent Calvary arrives to help our two characters understand consent! Seriously, they just appear in the story.

Consent is a tough topic and it is an ambitious task to take on to explain what affirmative consent looks like, how to get what you want from a romantic partner, and how to have safe boundaries. This book is by no means perfect, but it is absolutely the book we need to start the conversation. Sargent Yes Means Yes goes over various types of consent, how to be safe, and what is absolutely not okay in the book by working with three couples of different orientations. Along the line, the book does admit it’s a tough topic to make clear, but by the end of it, readers will have a better understanding of consent and how to use it.

One of the strengths of this book is that it ends with questionnaires to use on your own and then with a partner. This is such an excellent resource since it helps you know what you don’t mind doing versus what you do mind doing. For example: preferences in sex acts are on this list. It’s a conversation starter and a help guide.

Consent is a tough topic, but one that needs discussed. Stock this in your teen sections even though it clearly leans more toward adults (alcohol and consent is discussed). An absolute must have and another strong title in the “Quick & Easy Guide” series.
Recommended Audience: Teens and adults
Source: Netgalley (final book not seen)

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